On Dec. 22, 2024, we were so happy to welcome six new members of our church. Our littlest has been a member since he was very young! We love you all! May God bless you on your journey.
On Dec. 15th, we held our Contemporary Worship Service and Christmas Pageant. It was a family-filled way to give thanks to God and welcome the coming Christ child. Much thanks to Heather Wyckoff, Amanda Berry and Kay Platt for your leadership. And special thanks to Bill Cruz for taking pix.
Much thanks to the Cranford High School Madrigals who lifted our spirits high at our Cocoa and Caroling event this past Saturday! The front steps of the church were shining bright!! Madrigals, you were fabulous as always! Special thanks to Mr. Rafaniello, Choir Director, and Chris Uglialoro for your leadership! @cranfordhschoir
And shout out to the person who advised us on how to light up the front of the sanctuary. It's all about the Light.